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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Numeracy links

Here are some links to websites we might be using this week in our numeracy lessons.

As you can see we're going to spend a few days looking at capacity.  You might like to
remind yourself about what capacity is measured in.  Have a look around at home to see
the capacity of different containers.  What's the largest and smallest capacity you can find?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Olympic Games!

In Year 6 this week we have gone back in time to the orginal Olympic Games.

Luckily a truce was made to allow use to travel to Olympia where there is a temple to Zeus.  The Olympic Games were held in honour of Zeus.
We took part in activities from the pentathlon such as discus, running and javelin.
The winners didn't get medals but a wreath instead (orginally olive branches picked from a sacred tree by a boy whose parents are alive and using a golden sickle!)
This shows some amazing things that the Ancient Greeks created that are still important today in the modern world.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Gathering and Handling Data
This week we have been looking at how to gather, organise and present data.
We needed to answer the question - what is the most common car colour in Blandford?
So we created frequency tables and carried a survey.
Once we had collected data we then thought about how to present this data.
There are different ways that graphs can be created.  Across the class pie charts,
pictograms and bar charts were made.

After this we could then interpret the graphs to answer the question.

Our Maths Trip

On tuesday we went to bourmouth road to find out what colour car is most popular in Blandford. Most of our results where that the silver cars where the most popular but some of us got different results that black or other car as there most popular car colour

Then on wednesday one group made picture gram, one group made bar graphs and my group made pie charts all on the graphs we did.

On thursday we finished the pie charts, picture grams and bar graphs.And that's the end of my blog

By Scott

Monday, October 11, 2010

Combining history, art and RE!

Greek Temples
After finding out about Greek Gods we wondered about how and why people in Ancient Greece worshipped their gods. 
In Ancient Greece people worshipped different gods for different purposes. They would offer gifts and sacrifices in order to please the Gods.
The Ancient Greeks liked to have everything balanced and mathematically proportioned.
All columns were equally spaced, temples were rectangular and had many mathematical patterns.

This is a model of Zeus.  Huge statues of him were built in some temples.  You can tell it's Zeus from the lightening bolt in his hand.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Ancient Greek Gods

There were many Greek Gods when the Ancient Greeks where around here are some Zeus, Ares, Poseidon and Athena. I will tell you about most of the gods but not all them there's to many.I will start with Zeus

Zeus is the king of the gods and is the god of lightning anyone who annoys him will be struke by his fearful lighting bolt his symbols are a eagle, oak tree and a lighting bolt

Ares: Ares is the god of war he really enjoys wars he had a blooded spear he's also Zeus son also his thrown was covered in skin

Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty.She was married to Hephitosthe. Her symbols are roses, doves and sparrows. Her son is called Eros

And finally I will do Artemis. Artemis was goddess of the moon. She lived with the other gods and goddess on top of Mount Olympus. She was a hunter and carried a Bow and Arrows. Her symbol was deers,dogs and Cypress trees. She often had wild animals with her.

That's the end of my report

By Scott

TOPIC - The Ancient Greeks

In year 6 we have been busy learning about the Ancient Greeks using the questions asked at the start of our topic.
Here are the questions which have been leading our learning:
When did the Ancient Greeks live?
Where did the Ancient Greeks live?
What armies did they have?
What tactics did they use to win wars?
Why did they invent the olympic games?
What else did the Ancient Greeks invent?
What Gods did they have in Ancient Greece?

Coming soon on our blog will be information about what we've been doing, perhaps
you'll be able to answer some of the questions!