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Friday, October 8, 2010

Ancient Greek Gods

There were many Greek Gods when the Ancient Greeks where around here are some Zeus, Ares, Poseidon and Athena. I will tell you about most of the gods but not all them there's to many.I will start with Zeus

Zeus is the king of the gods and is the god of lightning anyone who annoys him will be struke by his fearful lighting bolt his symbols are a eagle, oak tree and a lighting bolt

Ares: Ares is the god of war he really enjoys wars he had a blooded spear he's also Zeus son also his thrown was covered in skin

Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty.She was married to Hephitosthe. Her symbols are roses, doves and sparrows. Her son is called Eros

And finally I will do Artemis. Artemis was goddess of the moon. She lived with the other gods and goddess on top of Mount Olympus. She was a hunter and carried a Bow and Arrows. Her symbol was deers,dogs and Cypress trees. She often had wild animals with her.

That's the end of my report

By Scott

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